I s t a n b u l I n s t i t u t e
of Craft and Trade
My area of interest and study is the intersection of Fatih Turbesi Street and Eski Mutaflar. At this intersection the Valens Aqueduct rises up the hill and terminates into the city fabric and it marks a relic of the past that seems to be forgotten by Istanbul. This become meaningful because it is a site that feels unfinished and I want to give the residents of this area a sense that they too are not forgotten. The intersection lies in-between the Fatih Mosque and the aqueduct and this could serve as link for both these elements. What that may be is unclear, but it should be expressive where it showcases this intersection that wants to be a plaza. It should offer the people a reminder of what once flowed through here. At one time in history it offered the people the precious resource of water. It can give the people the idea that they are contributing to the working of a city in a more expressive way. However I also see this expression being mimicked in some way further down the aqueduct.
Istanbul, Turkey
Valens Aqueduct
Fall 2014